Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Brought to you by Sister Latu

I got an email today from Sister Latu and she asked me if I blogged...and I realized how sadly neglected my blog was. And Caleb's website. I'm so not good at keeping up on these things.

So, this may be the only post that goes up for the entire year. Being that it's been a year since the last post. I figure to make it worth while, I'll throw up some pictures of Caleb.

Lots going on. So many exciting things. School starts next week. Two new classes. One of the same professors. Meeting lots of new people. And Caleb is making new friends!
No word on the job front for Tyler. Still hoping...and praying...Tyler really needs a job.

Getting prepared to go camping with my parents! I'm excited...well sort of. 3 day weekend away from things sounds great. No electricity...sleeping in a tent...well...yeah well. Tyler is excited to go fishing. I think Caleb will have fun fishing too. And I will have fun...probably not fishing. But spending time with mom, and Bob's parents, and doing lots of fun out doorsy things. S'mores! Yes, there we go. I'm excited about s'mores.

I think that shall be it for now. I'll add some more when I think of it...if I think of it.

Oh yes...pictures of Caleb.

(Caleb in a fire truck!)

(Caleb driving a John Deere!)

1 comment:

David said...

He looks really scared in that firetruck.